This is an Awareness Programme by our GODS TRUST.
And the GODS TRUST is Regd. U/s. 12A & 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961. Dept. of Income Tax, Govt. of India., NITI Aayog, Govt. of India.,
National Human Rights Commission, Govt. of India., VIPNET, Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
Our aim is to provide a good service to Teachers through our awareness camps. Where so many National / State label Public Schools participates in our camp. The Teacher students and Teachers will get good opportunities in our Camp. First time in Odisha we are arranging only a campus / platform for National Level Teacher’s Service Camp. All participants can get more benefits for their own talent and experience. There are more schools are sitting on this campus / platform. They can do the dummy classes for their students.
This is a National Label Awareness Camp of our Organization for get better service for a teacher’s talent. And First Time in Odisha as well as in India.
Two camp will be held in a year. After Registration the Registration Number will be provide to the candidate.
Interested candidates can download and fill up the form. Send all the xerox with self attested mark sheet along with the signed application form. The date and venue for the Camp will be inform by our email and phone before 20 – 30 days of the Camp.
The deadline of receiving Application Form for First Camp is on or before 30th November 2021.
N.B. We are not a job provider. The participants will get better service who will show their only on own better Performance and Talent in the CAMP.
Eligibility of Participants: B. Ed. (Final Year & Completed) Students / Completed any Educational Training Program from any recognised by any University of India.
For Application Form Click on: NLTSC Form
Registration Fees:
Rs.1500/- (Attend for one camp in one year)
Rs.2700/- (Attend for two camps in one year)
For NEFT/Net Banking
Account Details: GODS TRUST
PNB A/C NO: 6761002100001381
Mode of Payment: NEFT/Net Banking
Kindly attach the payment slip / screen short for NEFT/ Net Banking, with the application form.
For G Pay/Paytm/PhonePe Scan on G Pay OR Code image.
For Online Payment Click here
Contact Us:
Head Office: Plot no- 1089, Bomikhal, GGP Canal road, Near Bhagabat Sandhan, Bhubaneswar – 10, ODISHA.
Email ID:
Contact No: 09938506875.